Merlot is the most important grape here, accounting for 80% of the vineyard area.
Under the influence of EU policies, vineyard areas have been reduced in recent years.
The vineyard area extends 29 hectares or 70 acres, with an average production of 3,000 cases per year.
"If we had a road trip to San Francisco we'd sometimes get a group together and go up into the vineyard areas."
There is also a small vineyard area northwest of Auckland.
In 1979, there were still 116 such active businesses, but the planted vineyard area amounted to only 429 ha.
Hybrids still occupy some 80 percent of all the vineyard area.
Between 1960 and 1976 the vineyard area in Corsica increased fourfold.
Red grape varties cover 20% of the region's vineyard area.
Winegrowing, with a vineyard area of 180 ha, characterizes the village.