Some very vintage footage of the Scorps with a 16 year old Michael Schenker on guitar.
Elvis on Tour also contains vintage footage of Presley's famous 1956 appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show and pre-tour rehearsal footage.
He narrows the story to Vietnam, and uses vintage footage to show the duty to which Kerry asked to be transferred.
Retrospective documentary film intercuts vintage footage with recent interviews & performances in a compelling...
Interspersed with vintage footage of themed parties for Tupperware salespeople, former distributors reminisce about how Ms. Wise taught them to dress elegantly and to exaggerate the virtues of Tupperware only a little.
A new segment was added called "Flashback" which features vintage footage of past personnel.
The video featured vintage footage of Taylor inside a funfair of tabloid rumours, sending up the insane scrutiny both stars had faced during their careers, and positing her as the avatar of celebrity itself.
Buy the full DVD from Available for the first time on DVD, vintage live footage of the mos...
Music video by L.Uelmen Made at home with vintage footage and old beta footage of mine....
Last summer, Jeff Bowser, a producer at Digital Equipment Corporation, called for some vintage military footage for a trade-show video.