Another turn - and the sixth floor with the quiet graphomaniac is gone, another - and the tenth floor with vinyl collector is no more.
Test pressings are popular amongst vinyl collectors and are most commonly seen in blank, white sleeves and as black discs with white labels featuring handwritten notes.
A Map All serious vinyl collectors head to the mecca of NY record stores, the Academy Annex in Williamsburg.
In recent years, "We Came To Play" has become a highly-sought item for vinyl collectors, and it has thus far not been reissued on CD.
In 2006 the label founded the Vinyl Collective, an online store that serves as a community hub for independent vinyl collectors.
It was relaunched in February 2011 as a community for independent vinyl collectors.
It sold out in less than a week and it quickly became highly sought after on secondary vinyl markets and vinyl collectors' sites such as Discogs.
Vinyl On Demand is a record label that targets vinyl collectors of 1970's and 80's minimal synth, industrial, and avant-garde music.
The Homework 45 and to a lesser extent, both LPs have become vinyl collectors' items selling from as much as $50 to over $100 each, in their original releases.
To hard-core vinyl collectors, Devo will always remain a radical, anarchic bunch of boys from Akron with flowerpots on their head who had a couple of brilliant moments.