Taxpayers' dollars are used to finance news programs, a practice that violates traditional notions about the separation of Government and press.
The three men in the foreground were obviously strangers, standing together, but not so close as to violate any rules about personal space.
It is troubling to force religious employers to violate their principles about reproductive rights.
Catholic adoption agencies in Massachusetts are already wondering whether they will soon have to stop operating rather than violate church teaching about marriage.
"That violates about a dozen different orders, sir," Guerra pointed out.
He wouldn't do it if it violated his belief about the sanctity of life.
I'm interested in people trying to do something that doesn't violate basic classical-music rules about structure, the nature of form.
She had seen before the way Thek moved, and how it seemed to violate a lifetime's assumptions about matter and space.
It is a juicy mark and has already invited enough noise and smoke to violate environmental rules about public issues.
The Harlan film violated almost everything about the novel's characters and sentiments.