At the time, Mr. Giuliani said such restrictions not only violated basic decency but could also have "catastrophic social effects" on New York and other large cities.
He charged that the proposals violated basic decency and could throw as many as 60,000 immigrant children out of the city's schools and onto the streets.
"If there are indeed orders to treat prisoners in ways that violate basic laws or common decency, we can hold those people accountable."
The Reverend insisted that the sculpture violated Christian principles, morality, and decency.
The center cited an ambiguous German law that prohibits the use of advertising that violates common decency.
It would violate common decency by victimizing millions of children, including legal immigrants.
That violates human decency and international law.
In a strongly worded address, Clinton told the council: "Gaddafi and those around him must be held accountable for these acts, which violate international legal obligations and common decency.
By any measure, Muammar el-Qaddafi's government has violated international norms and common decency and must be held accountable.
It is an abomination for a public servant to violate common decency and integrity and then benefit from a public pension while sitting in prison.