Taxpayers' dollars are used to finance news programs, a practice that violates traditional notions about the separation of Government and press.
This violates fundamental notions of privacy.
For the figure to have adopted such an unseemly pose as a split would have violated ancient Greek notions of estheticism.
Opponents of employment equity argue that it violates common-sense notions of fairness and equality.
Mrs. Clinton told the congregations that singling out criminal suspects on the basis of their race violated basic notions of fairness and equality.
This drawn-out procedure is sure to become a source of continual disruption throughout this year's election campaigns, and it violates accepted notions of fair play.
Contradictorily, however, she seeks out subjects that violate conventional notions of bucolic beauty.
"That appears to be a draconian result that violates notions of fairness."
It was a device that flourished in the 19th century to allow people to wade in the ocean at beaches without violating Victorian notions of modesty.
To the Editor: Sweatshops do not simply provide jobs; they violate notions of reasonable working conditions.