The court ruled that the revelation would not violate attorney-client privilege, which protects the secrecy of a lawyer's relationship with her client.
The lawyer for the officers' association objected to testimony by Mr. Kelleher on the ground that it would violate attorney-client privilege.
The commissioner's office said Dowd had violated lawyer-client privilege and filed a bar complaint against him.
"Danny is my patient and I won't violate privilege."
17hings I can't talk about without violating privilege, Nikki understands this.
The Virginia State bar advises me that I may not violate attorney-client privilege here.
To do so, he said, would violate attorney-client privilege.
You'd have to violate privilege even to be certain.
Some fellow psychiatrists had complained to superiors that Hasan's requests violated physician-patient privilege.
William Ginsburg, Ms. Lewinsky's lawyer, said he could not comment because it would violate attorney-client privilege.