In every case, perpetrators view their victims as violating rules of religious conduct and act without remorse.
What's more, corporations are able to violate the $5,000 limit without much risk of being punished.
But these practices aren't common and would violate the antitrust laws with or without the Metzenbaum bill.
The Powers value the status quo too highly to violate it without need.
"It violates her right to privacy without any reason to do so," he said.
The face from my dream violated my mind, the white face without features.
This is considered as private information and nobody should violate private information without legal approval.
Those acts violated restrictions on the use of public funds for propaganda without Congress's consent, the report said.
And no one, certainly not a Lensman, would dream of violating his subconscious without permission.
Under the House bill, schools could suspend or expel children who violate rules, without regard to their disabilities.