In fact, they knew it would be illegal, each disclosure a violation of the Federal Privacy Act.
But asking for the list could be a violation of the Federal Privacy Act and the constitutional right of freedom of association, they said.
Such political activity is a violation of the Federal Hatch Act.
But the Justice Department can bring charges based on violations of the 1965 Federal Voting Rights Act.
We're already in violation of the Federal Clean Air Act because of our levels of auto emissions.
The discharge of sewage into the harbor is, and long has been, a violation of the Federal Clean Water Act.
That would reduce the power of the Bronx, he said, in violation of the Federal Voting Rights Act.
Now she, her husband and a neighbor who joined her in opposing the project are being investigated for violation of the Federal Fair Housing Act.
This might be a violation of the Federal Records Act.
That would be a dodge to turn attention from potentially momentous violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.