The first violation required a rehabilitation program, and the second violation resulted in his suspension for the first four games last fall.
Under federal law, violations that carry the death penalty require separate proceedings to determine first whether someone is guilty and then what the penalty should be.
More egregious violations require human intervention.
One violation required the truck to be taken off the road, according to state records, The Associated Press reported.
We accidentally triggered-was "Any eight-hundred violation requires the presence of the violators at Control.
Such a violation of respect to fellow soldiers requires punishment.
The question presented to the Court was whether violation of the knock and announce rule requires a court to suppress all evidence found in the search.
All violations of this kind, including in particular murder, systematic rape, sexual slavery, and forced pregnancy, require a particular effective response.
This was in violation of a city ordinance requiring a conditional use permit for commercial antenna use.
Some players institute a three-fault rule, however, the violation of which requires that a full beer be drunk.