At least the thuggery and violence of the 1980s has diminished and there have been some important arrests.
Furthermore, none of the considerations I have adduced suggest that political violence will rapidly diminish, still less disappear.
He had more authority in the country than in the Chamber, where the violence of his oratory diminished its effect.
African Union troops began arriving in Darfur last year, and for a while the violence diminished.
As a result Kurdish violence inside Turkey has sharply diminished.
India has said it will agree to a troop reduction in Kashmir only if militant violence diminishes.
Each day the arrival of the cold fit was longer delayed, and the violence of both diminished, until they disappeared altogether.
The violence of subterranean force is ever diminishing.
When her violence diminished, she still fumed mentally, until a sound suddenly brought back her senses.
Political violence has diminished, although ordinary crime has increased.