To Israelis, Mr. Arafat is thriving as he did in Beirut on violent anarchy, fomenting factionalism to strengthen his own leadership and bargaining positions.
Odd, isn't it, that such stringent traditionalists should be the perpetrators of such violent anarchy.' '
The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all-too-predictable outcome of a three-decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value.
Accustomed to 22 years of dictatorship under Mohammed Siad Barre and two more of violent anarchy, Somalis tend to open locked doors when the marines ask.
It reflects the violent anarchy to be found in Iraq.
The Kuonmintang suppressed wuxia, accusing it of promoting superstition and violent anarchy.
During the following months, the province entered a period of violent anarchy, in which the two Aráoz's and Javier López in turned seized the governorship.
The League decided Gloriana was the best bet for ending decades of violent anarchy.
The circus lions don't care to know that their leader is a weakling human; the fiction guarantees their social well-being and staves off violent anarchy.
It also banned the wildly popular wuxia genre of martial arts swordplay and fantasy, accusing it of promoting superstition and violent anarchy.