In the ensuing violent backlash, many great and noble things may be lost.
She doesn't have to fear about a violent backlash.
They were met with violent backlash from Hasidim pilgrims who objected.
As all the victims had been Protestant, there was a violent backlash from loyalist paramilitaries.
The Baltimore riots were the height of violent backlash during the war, whose popularity dropped through 1813 and 1814.
And he argues that any violent backlash against the rapid push to private enterprise, much of it foreign-owned, "is at least a generation away."
This gave rise to fears of a violent backlash from fundamentalist quarters; the police and military were placed on high alert.
"Very little of the violent domestic backlash has been reported in the mainstream media," Davis claims (dubiously).
It could further fan anti-Muslim feelings in France, and we've already seen the potential for a violent backlash.
In a violent backlash a number of journalists including a British photographer were killed by rampaging mobs.