As for the country's violent breakup, Mr. Djilas said Tito and the men who succeeded him in power in Serbia and Croatia deserved blame.
Mr. Milosevic is widely regarded as the person most responsible for the violent breakup of the old, six-republic Yugoslav state.
The most violent breakup happened in Yugoslavia, in the Balkans.
Both sets offer regular showings of a student-produced video that depicts the violent breakup by police of a student demonstration on Friday, Nov. 17.
The punk scene of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ceased to exist with the country's violent breakup in the early 1990s.
He also put forth a defense of the Government's violent breakup of a protest last week.
The judgment is the 10th to be handed down by this tribunal dealing with crimes linked to the violent breakup of Communist-era Yugoslavia.
Arrests, beatings and abductions of civic and political figures have mounted since the violent breakup of the so-called prayer meeting on March 11.
The Lukashenko regime's recent violent breakup of a peaceful demonstration of tens of thousands of people following the fraudulent December 2010 election stunned many.
The goal of the international community just before the violent breakup was to let Yugoslavs determine their new borders peacefully and by agreement.