Sometimes, these may be bluff charges but, in other cases, violent contact will be made.
Many sports involve violent physical contact and may be highly dangerous if the players are unprotected.
Her head still rang from its violent contact with the tiles, but for the first time in what seemed like centuries, she was thinking clearly.
This brought the Spanish in close and sometimes violent contact with local indigenous people.
The latter consists of just five individuals following violent contact with white settlers in the last few decades.
A lost or damaged radio was one idea, although it seemed unlikely, short of violent contact with the enemy.
Her knees and feet came into violent contact with branches and snags.
When a practice calls for the players to wear full pads, they understand there will be violent contact that day.
And he doesn't like the increase in violent contact.
Quickly, though, parents began to find soccer an inviting alternative to the violent contact of football, even in Texas.