The film had poor box-office reception in Thailand, which critics blamed on the poor show and violent and negative depiction of the film.
Shōnen Sunday was once specified as "harmful" in some prefectures when the series has started, because of its violent and drastic depiction.
The music video generated minor controversy for its violent depiction of a football game between jocks and goths, which some sources have interpreted to be directly "echoing" Columbine.
The former, for example, is characterized by the mention of ravens, eagles, and wolves preceding particularly violent depictions of battle.
The film follows a woman's strange journey with a violent, hallucinatory depiction.
The style is distinguished by realistic - sometimes sordid or violent - depictions of everyday life, especially the life of the contemporary lower classes.
According to the show's creators, this was deliberately done to invoke a less dark and violent depiction of Batman following the release of The Dark Knight.
Some of the vandalized scenes showed alien prisoners being slaughtered on low, blocky altars, while others showed graphic and violent depictions of Kh@fflict in contorted positions.
The selected audiences who have seen the film defend it as the most moving, reverential - and violent - depiction of Jesus' suffering and death ever put on screen.