B. Carroll Reece of Tennessee called the violent expulsion of German civilians "genocide".
The EU delegation was sent after the European parliament passed a resolution last month condemning the Buddhists' violent expulsion.
Arsacius (before 324 - November 11, 405) was the intruding archbishop of Constantinople from 404 up to 405, after the violent expulsion of John Chrysostom.
Despite this somewhat less violent expulsion than the one that Hartrath had faced, this time there were consequences.
These land grabs take a variety of forms, from simple violent expulsion through to bribery of government or bank officials.
He heard a sound like a violent expulsion of breath.
Over the sounds of vegetation being shredded and crushed came a different, more ominous sound, a guttural, slavering gurgle, mingled with violent expulsions of breath.
His early definition of Jews as "a disease" was doubled by his arguments in favor of their violent expulsion from Romanian soil:
The resulting violent expulsion of fluid from the annulus is one potential cause or contributor to the "kick".