Mrs. Norton had a failed marriage with a violent husband.
The poor woman who wants to divorce her violent husband needs a lawyer who will represent her without charge.
After she divorced her violent, alcoholic husband, she got a job to support her family through daily life.
Each woman had escaped a violent husband, but each knew he might worm back into her life at any time.
Steve changes from unbelievably nice guy into violent, abusive husband in record time, even if these are among the film's most colorful and involving episodes.
Vicki then starts scheming for Warren to kill her increasingly drunk and violent husband.
The wife's use of a gun to kill her violent husband weighed heavily in the "difficult balancing exercise" which the Court had to perform.
Kayako then crawls downstairs, desperate to escape her violent husband.
An ill-tempered, sometimes violent husband and his despairing wife.
Discussion question: Why do you think some battered women stay with their violent husbands?