At the same time Momoi retains some violent lusts towards guys, and sometimes tries to ravage Senbongi.
In this second part, Hippolito has conceived a violent lust for Bellafront, whose husband has (perhaps not surprisingly) returned to the life of a wastrel.
The emotions on display - suicidal despair, murderous jealousy and violent lust - are all primal.
There were six of them, and Faith could smell the rancid scent of unwashed bodies and violent lust.
A scent that roused a near violent lust.
The feel of violent lust overcame him and he felt again the power of the primitive wild warrior.
Not all the stories about Nicu's uncontrollable and violent lusts were true.
Victoria had a hard time following their conversation through the violent lust that tore at her, but it didn't sound promising.
The fact that she seemed to have matched what he had to admit was a violent lust dismayed him.