The transportation of the current herd from Europe had its violent moments.
A few of them showed fresh bruises from the Wizard's more violent moments.
When several more moments passed and nothing violent happened to him, Buvrai opened his eyes again.
Whether it had ended in one violent moment or slowly over time really didn't matter to Archer.
Jondalar closed his eyes, unable to watch the violent final moment of Ayla's life.
Those violent moments made him vow never to abuse his own children.
Everyone was, though some of the bridge officers seemed to have lost their footing in that last violent moment.
And what is the message being sent by those violent moments - to men, to women and, most importantly, to children - in the first place?
What all the troubles of the everyday failed to do, one sudden, violent moment did.
Except for one startlingly violent moment, these people do little to hurt one another.