This violent oppression of spirits continued the whole evening.
As Mexico entered the mid-twentieth century the more violent oppression of earlier in the century had waned, but it remained severely suppressed.
For British rule brought crucial benefits that persist - among them modern education and a degree of infrastructure - as well as violent oppression to its subjects.
The last contested elections were those of 1947, in the midst of communist-orchestrated violent oppression and electoral fraud.
It commemorates all those who died in armed conflicts or as the victims of violent oppression.
IJM states that it is a "human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression."
Both Soviet and Iranian governments produced trumpt up charges against the religion as an excuse to pursue a violent oppression of the religion.
It was justified by some as a response to the often violent oppression the community faced.
Since 1960 the Award has been presented to "peace heroes" who have exemplified the courage of nonviolent resistance to abusive power, armed conflict, and violent oppression.
These were to become symbols of violent oppression and aggressive nationalism for the next 23 years.