Civil Rights leaders also believed in agitation, but most did not believe in physically violent retaliation.
He would have expected knowledge of its loss to trigger a violent retaliation against the Enterprise, yet Kierad@an had addressed him with respect.
The said exchange of fire continued for 3 hours before the Army could spell out the violent retaliation of the agitators.
Hitler's men burned the Reichstag to make it look like they had more opposition and justify violent retaliation.
The proud Zingarans continue to rise in revolt even in the face of violent retaliation.
Many have been intercepted at sea and forcibly returned to Haiti, where they risk violent retaliation.
To suggest that we wait for real gun control to solve the problem of violent retaliation is tantamount to saying, let's do nothing.
The regime responds to the provocation with increasingly violent retaliation.
The latter was unwilling to yield to threats, but his friend dissuaded him from any idea of violent retaliation.
Asked if he was worried about violent retaliations for his tirades, Star looked contemplative.