Viewers already know that she is in a mental institution after having had a violent seizure on the street.
Babington's eyes rolled up, and he began to jerk, as if in the midst of a violent seizure.
Elizabeth suffers a violent seizure as she is trying to tell Edgar this and dies in the hospital soon after.
He fell to the ground, his body jerking and twitching in a violent seizure.
On the night the novel opens, Jeanne has fallen ill with a violent seizure.
But the government's chaotic and violent seizure of white-owned farms has come at a price.
Because this violent seizure of power has got to stop.
After two hours at the oars Robin suffered a violent seizure and had to be taken into the cabin.
The son remaining with her, who is in his 20's and has epilepsy, had just suffered a particularly violent seizure.
Each time, the subjects would go into violent, fatal seizures.