This results in a violent showdown between the brothers.
It remains, and many people here believe that a violent showdown may be nearing.
"Unlawful Entry" manages to be more gripping than it is convincing, thanks to the story's inevitable movement toward a violent showdown.
The strike called by the front prior to the violent showdown with the Government was largely ignored by the Algerian people.
Connor appears when Spike and Illyria are in a violent showdown with a group of demonic women.
Some 24 captives in the ambassador's residence are from Japan, which is striving to avoid a violent showdown.
Concerns about the police echoed throughout the open-air market at Tepito two days after the violent showdown.
Relations between the rival factions within the Government deteriorated, and in the past three months a violent showdown became increasingly likely.
In a violent showdown when Jenny was 17, Rose's threats led her to flee without a trace and stay away for a decade.
Eventually there is a violent showdown between teenager and threatener.