Instead, the first was an extremely violent tale of a deranged old man who goes on a killing spree.
But he admits to certain similarities between himself and Katurian, a writer persecuted for writing dark, violent tales.
Pretty violent tales by all accounts.
It is a violent, gore-filled tale directed by Robert Gordon.
Yet through the two violent tales for which he is remembered, we come to recognize a singular, quite terrifying mentality.
Bachata used to be known for its violent tales and tough lyrics, but over time, it has become softer and more sentimental.
This violent tale had an odd literary twist.
Throughout the nation, this year's biggest movie at the box office has been "Hannibal," the graphically violent tale of an urbane cannibal on the lam.
Things quickly escalate from unpleasant to grim in this violent tale.
He informs them that he found Connor and they talked, but Angel's battle wounds tell a much more violent tale to his friends.