The Norwegian army, although very large, could not all be brought into action, because a violent tempest arose, which prevented the greater part of the army from being brought ashore.
Sailing with a fair wind, after some hours we were assailed by a violent tempest.
A great moaning arose, as of a violent tempest, gaining in volume.
One night the compass was made false, and the 'Pilgrim,' driven by a violent tempest, took the wrong route.
The fleet was then pursued by a violent tempest, when the wretched nuns who had been carried off were thrown overboard to lighten the ships.
England was saved by a violent tempest.
Browne was ill of lungs; coughing much; lodging, in these violent tempests, on the cold ground.
As it turns out, a violent tempest hit the South African coast around this time.
At last the thunder died away and in the most mysterious fashion that violent tempest came to a sudden end, as does a storm upon the stage.
'Except for the mangroves and the lack of "violent tempests", it sounds rather like the east coast of England!'