The symptoms, which are predominantly gastrointestinal in nature, include violent vomiting, which can last up to six hours.
Ingesting even a few seeds can cause violent and persistent vomiting and extreme diarrhea.
Tung seed can cause extreme stomach pain, violent vomiting, breathing problems, and possibly death.
Symptoms of intoxication include violent vomiting and delirium.
Poisoning symptoms included the abrupt appearance of violent vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration after a delay of 10-20 hours.
The symptoms were characterized by the abrupt appearance of violent vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration after a delay of 10-20 hours.
The violent vomiting caused by the foul smell triggered a heart attack.
Although not dangerous for most healthy people, the infection usually results in two to three days of violent vomiting and extended periods away from work.
On Friday evening violent vomiting appeared to have benefited the sufferer.
Last October, he was in the middle of chemotherapy, which caused violent vomiting, diarrhea and weakness.