Sustained viral response (SVR) is an efficacy measure of a hepatitis C treatment.
But so far, VX-950 has not achieved any sustained viral responses.
MAM organizer Tami Camal said she was surprised by the "viral" response made up of a "unique cross-section of support", and plans to "continue raising awareness".
Like Victrelis, also approved this month, Incivek greatly boosts the chances that hepatitis C treatment will result in a cure - that is, a "sustained viral response"
Post marriage, Sneha along with her husband Prasanna worked on Univercell commercials which created viral response.
Well, for that matter, the very presence of phage in the tank was an evolutionary change, a viral response to the bacteria that-- "Mae," I said.
The teaser got viral response across web and it has raised the expectations among the fans and movie buffs.
Overall, 62% of patients treated for four months achieved sustained viral responses, compared with 70% of patients treated for six months.
Responses to treatment vary by HCV C genotype, and is measured by sustained viral response.
If the treatment is successful he will have a sustained viral response and be cured of Hepatitis C. He will complete treatment on June 24th 2013.