This production prevents viral and prion transmission.
To confuse one of the modes of viral transmission with the creation of the virus itself is homophobic fantasy.
They say evidence indicates that infected blood must enter into the bloodstream of the second person, as through cuts in the skin, for viral transmission to occur.
This is because viral transmission can preferentially occur between hosts sharing any of these attributes.
The victory against smallpox was accomplished after a worldwide vaccination program ended the human-to-human chain of viral transmission.
Mass vaccinations were not enough to stop all viral transmission.
Soybean aphids may indirectly affect plant health through viral transmission.
The current study did not determine how many of the couples were using condoms or abstaining from sexual intercourse to avoid viral transmission.
Semi-persistent viral transmission involves the virus entering the foregut of the insect.
A bridging hypothesis has been proposed to explain how these proteins aid in insect-mediated viral transmission.