Following the virtual abandonment of mopeds in favor of scooters by customers, Peugeot has directed its construction to this product.
Archaeological research done within the Middle Cumberland River Valley marks a virtual abandonment of the area around 1450.
But every once in a while, musing about his real mother and father, Peter sometimes found himself resenting a virtual abandonment that had begun long before they died.
The uniqueness of the massif and its appeal has led to the virtual abandonment of farming activities, replaced by tourism.
At Roman Caistor-by-Norwich, for example, recent analysis suggests that the cemetery post-dates the town's virtual abandonment.
The conference idea may be a nonstarter, but the Europeans wanted to compensate for Washington's virtual abandonment of the Middle East peace process.
The indecision resulted in virtual abandonment.
Arabella and Francis had six children who all died childless and the house fell into neglect and virtual abandonment.
Following the virtual abandonment of the Roman city, the area's strategic location on the River Thames meant that the site was not deserted for long.
Block's ambivalence about the Beach marriage stems from Amy's virtual abandonment of public performance.