Since the agreement, there has been a war of nerves between the holdouts and the Governor, with the state imposing a virtual blockade of gasoline shipments to the reservations and tribe members staging protests.
Because Macedonia is honoring the embargo against Serbia, Greece's embargo has resulted in a virtual blockade that is badly squeezing Macedonia's industries and exports.
After two extensions, the two treaties expired on the 23rd March 1989, resulting in a virtual Indian economic blockade of Nepal that lasted until late April 1990.
America is co-ordinating Western efforts to begin a massive airlift of food, blankets and medical supplies to breach a virtual blockade of Bosnia and help the estimated 200,000 refugees.
The energy shortage, economic woes, and virtual blockade experienced by the tiny republic after independence seemed to justify his concerns.
But any such move is deeply unpopular with most Palestinians, who insist that no arrests should be made while the peace talks are stalled and Israel maintains a virtual blockade of the West Bank.
As the Israeli forces have pulled back, they have continued to maintain a virtual blockade of the cities they have left.
In addition, it is continuing its virtual blockade of Palestinian areas.
Provisions under consideration for the new sanctions package are a virtual blockade on traffic headed to Serbia on the Danube River, a major route for oil imports.
Bitter demonstrations have erupted since last month, when the administration imposed a virtual blockade of gasoline and cigarette shipments to Indian tribes that refused to be taxed.