Referred to as co-op ads, they are placed by agencies to provide a virtual catalogue of seasonal values or new offerings.
That would protect a virtual catalogue of architectural styles including wood-frame houses from the mid-1800's, Neo-Gothic mansions from the turn of the century and the Guggenheim Museum from the 1950's.
The five men and three women, ranging in age from 20 to 30, went through a virtual catalogue of religious experiences before undergoing their Christian conversions.
He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale.
His book's peppered with gratuitous product placements (a virtual catalogue of his accouterments, from Van Cleef, Armani, Hermès).
ToyPedia In November 2011 Toy Collector announced it was attempting to create entries in its virtual catalogue for every Corgi model ever made.
The roster of those freed is a virtual catalogue of Soviet dissent.
Together with the Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry and the Südtiroler Bauernbund, the Library is working on a virtual agricultural catalogue.
Stairs lead down from the lobby to the building's great hall, a two-story lounge with potted palms, restaurants, more Graves rugs and a virtual catalogue of Hoffmann furniture.
The book is a virtual catalogue of lessons taken, auditions attempted, roles learned, performances sung, ovations received and trips endured.