A virtual dictatorship.
We might like President Boris N. Yeltsin to impose it by virtual dictatorship.
Denmark had changed overnight from a virtual dictatorship to one of the most democratic countries in Europe.
Discontent spread, however, especially among miners, and in response the government in the early 1960's became a virtual dictatorship.
In 1982, French writer Régis Debray accused Pivot of having "a virtual dictatorship over publishing markets."
Under cover of this power, Robespierre eliminated his rivals and established a virtual dictatorship.
There is little doubt in my mind that he'll proclaim himself president and launch a virtual dictatorship.
In our country, senor, we were governed by a virtual dictatorship.
"In exchange for state funding, we are being subjected to a virtual dictatorship," declared Frank Fulbrook, the disgruntled landlord, who called the aid agreement unconstitutional.
America's two-party system has quietly been replaced by the virtual dictatorship of an "invisible government."