While external markets, including eBay, sell content from synthetic worlds, virtual items gain importance in the outside world.
In 2007, Threshold transitioned to a pay for perks system where players can purchase virtual items.
Digital content models generate income from the sale of special virtual items or currency.
Of a reported $230M in revenue for 2005, 85% was said to be from the sale of virtual items.
It allowed users to use real money to purchase NeoCash to buy exclusive virtual items.
New games, virtual items, and community events will continually be added.
At the time, this was the highest price ever paid for a virtual item.
Users can make and sell their own virtual items.
I especially don't understand all the virtual items and purchasing of those virtual items for you personal space.
The first five levels are entirely free; after which, users can unlock additional levels and new experiences with the purchase of virtual items.