Oku had absolutely no interest in politics, and lived in virtual seclusion after the war.
As for Megan Race, she was in virtual seclusion: two nights before, a television camera had caught her leaving the apartment, straight-backed and angry.
Before I won at Montreal, I trained in virtual seclusion for six years.
But if the 1979 visit was one of virtual seclusion, his first visit to the United Nations in 1960 was public and dramatic.
Now, with the ballot dispute in Florida delaying the election's outcome, the once-ubiquitous candidates have gone into virtual seclusion.
The ignominy was enough to send Mr. Wallace into virtual seclusion from the on-line world.
Following Todd's death and his divorce, West rarely worked and withdrew into virtual seclusion.
Afterwards, he returned to live in virtual seclusion under Reza Shah.
Even with the long days spent in virtual seclusion as they worked to prepare their case, Moyer had been certain of this as well.
Her routine before a Grand Slam tournament is very secretive; she goes into virtual seclusion.