With its framed news clippings and memorabilia, Abel Malvestiti's basement is a virtual shrine to tango, his living room a side altar.
The monument includes a virtual shrine.
Now, the City Department of Investigation is conducting an inquiry into the demolition of what some city officials say was a virtual religious shrine.
Their house is a virtual shrine to the two lost boys, its walls covered with photographs memorializing their vanished youth.
Just as stores' efforts to woo men heat up, Mr. Katzman is opening a virtual shrine to men's retailing.
(He may not realize, but we do: Celia's apartment is a virtual shrine to Martin's image.)
Ms. Rosenberg's office on the 20th floor of the Time-Warner Building in midtown Manhattan is a virtual shrine to Madonna.
His moderation sets him apart from Mao and some third-world leaders, who have transformed their birthplaces into virtual shrines.
A virtual shrine (www.synthmuseum.com) can be found on the Web.