But the talks themselves were a virtual stalemate.
After the Serbs carved out the areas they wanted in 1992, fighting declined steadily, reaching a virtual stalemate by autumn 1993.
When the challenge resumed with virtual stalemates, Paolo allowed a third puller from each tribe to come in and help.
By September 1545, the war was a virtual stalemate; both sides, running low on funds and troops, unsuccessfully sought help from the German Protestants.
The battle, described as the biggest the region has seen since the Nigerian civil war of 1967-1970, has so far resulted in a virtual stalemate.
No money, however, has been paid out since January, when the entire matter reached a virtual stalemate.
"There is a fundamental decency about him that would bode well for healing the festering partisan wounds that have produced virtual stalemate in our national government," the editorial continues.
After ten minutes of virtual stalemate, the duke's "chauffeur" made a daring move.
The latest hostage of the "glina" is the three-year-old Bosnian war itself, stuck in virtual stalemate and ever further from resolution.
"It was a virtual stalemate with selling pressure contained at the low 2,000 level on the Dow despite the bank rate hikes."