Until legislation in 2004 that virtually abolished the six-day workweek in large corporations known as "jaebol", South Korea was the only country in the OECD that worked Saturdays.
They say the heart of their protest is a concern that, despite the need to cure these problems, the university's method of doing so will virtually abolish the special hallmarks of the education students receive there.
As they were also hostile to monasticism, where most mystics had their roots, they virtually abolished this particular type of spirituality in Protestant countries like England.
Companies fudge their results by putting losses into extraordinary items, so the ASB stops the fudging by virtually abolishing the extraordinary item.
In 2011, she strongly criticised the military-led government's Essential National Industries Employment decree, which "takes away nearly all collective bargaining rights in essential companies [and] virtually abolishes the right to strike".
The state government disagreed and slashed the budget, which angered university officials and led to the University Council's passage of a new bill that virtually abolished the autonomy of the institution.
The change virtually abolished "good time."
Even the amounts of some of those imports decreased with time as domestic silk and sugar production rose, and as guns became restricted and then virtually abolished.
The present British Government has introduced the New Deal for the unemployed, the largest jobs programme in Europe that has seen long-term youth unemployment virtually abolished in my country.
The Senate thoughtlessly adopted a Bush Administration proposal that would virtually abolish Federal court review of state criminal convictions.