Recurrence may be so frequent that ulceration is virtually continuous.
While most waves of immigration have a beginning and end, Latino immigration has been virtually continuous for the past century.
The talk was virtually continuous because both friends had much to tell.
Play is virtually continuous, and an hour of squash constitutes a workout roughly equivalent to two hours of tennis.
Maximinus doubled the pay of soldiers; this act, along with virtually continuous warfare, required higher taxes.
At this point, the eruption was virtually continuous and explosions could be heard every ten minutes or so.
The three-movement Symphony No. 8, though, is about virtually continuous change.
The forge started working in 1738 and remained in virtually continuous operation until closing.
Third, commodities are traded daily in auction markets, so that the index can be calculated on a virtually continuous basis.
War had been virtually continuous in the mortal realm, but now it spread more widely, involving most of the nations of the world.