With a true knight errant as the new count of Holland, this made war virtually inevitable.
Severe infections being "virtually inevitable," they wrote, any use of the heart for more than 30 days should be considered "extraordinary."
The guerrillas have said this makes the eventual fall of the city virtually inevitable.
Lawmakers and regulators alike have known for more than two years that rate increases were virtually inevitable.
Once every four years, the top performers turn up in the best condition of their lives and world records are virtually inevitable.
At that point, of course, their interaction with humans becomes virtually inevitable.
Large future tax increases or drastic spending cuts are virtually inevitable.
It is virtually inevitable that implants will shift during healing.
Is there yet time to save Earth from a catastrophic roasting that some experts now regard as virtually inevitable?
With international diplomatic efforts now limited to containing the violence in Bosnia rather than stopping it, more war seems virtually inevitable.