He took his father's gun and shot himself in the head, not realizing that his new body made him virtually invulnerable.
As a result, most of Cyber's body was virtually invulnerable to physical injury.
They would be virtually invulnerable to the shock rifles or to any weapon the Warlanders carried.
Experts point out that in the long run, war will not affect oil supplies because oil underground is virtually invulnerable to attack.
He is virtually invulnerable to most attacks, save fire and presumably laser or energy blasts.
His still close, but strained relationship with his sovereign made him virtually invulnerable.
Paradoxically, it was in making their empire virtually invulnerable that the Soviets brought about its collapse.
And it would make you virtually invulnerable to the cutback.
At night the bomber is virtually invulnerable (until the introduction of radar) but finding its target was a major problem.
Powered by the population's energy through the bio-relation, the system keeping him eternally young, he is virtually invulnerable.