The best and highest goal is the happiness which originates from virtuous actions.
If he does a virtuous action, he never gets anything for it, because "Virtue is its own reward."
The virtuous person participated in virtuous actions within the social fabric.
His struggle to make his work a form of virtuous action, not merely acting, may turn out to be an impossible task.
However, the virtuous action is not simply the "mean" (mathematically speaking) between two opposite extremes.
He reasons that belief in humanity and a love for mankind are what compel us to perform virtuous actions.
If this is so, virtuous actions must be in themselves pleasant.
Now virtuous actions are noble and done for the sake of the noble.
The significance of the nobility of poetry is its power to move readers to virtuous action.
It is defensible in its own right as a means to move readers to virtuous action.