Captain Meterios and a crew member, gunnery officer Brad Karpla, have been stricken with an unknown, virulent allergic reaction to local vegetation.
While some of the "disimproved" forms had adverse effects on the Thread, none had produced virulent enough reactions, according to Aivas.
News of the interview's broadcast caused virulent reactions inside the United States, and resulted in a hearing by a subcommittee of the United States House Committee on International Relations.
Dolando's virulent reaction was so completely unexpected that she was at a loss.
Bloated dealer inventories had much to do with the market's virulent reaction to the inflation report, analysts said.
One writer commented on the striking difference between this kind of virulent reaction to criticism by the militant homosexual lobby and that of Christians in defending themselves against attack.
From those brought up to regard the system as the last word in representing the Keynesian system, such a virulent reaction is hardly surprising.
Neel, who died earlier this year, chose a vaccine that some medical authorities had condemned as unsafe because it often triggered virulent reactions.
Investors' virulent reaction to the slow growth at Frito-Lay North America is largely related to increased expectations for the new PepsiCo, which acquired Quaker Oats in August.
But there are precedents going all the way back to the Bible for virulent reactions to proscribed and despised images.