When the virus attacks the eye, patients go blind.
This virus attacks the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight off infection and some disease.
Of course we would want to make sure that this virus also doesn't attack native species though.
Scientists reported yesterday that for the first time they had completely analyzed the site at which cold viruses attack human cells.
Its presence meant the virus had attacked the lining of his lungs.
There's all kinds of embedded operating systems around that no virus has ever attacked because it's not a target for anybody.
The reason is not known, though in rare cases viruses and other infections can attack the heart.
First, and perhaps most critical, a virus has attacked our computer and is taking over the ship.
Now experts say they have a much clearer picture of how the virus enters and attacks the body.
"We used to think you felt terrible because the virus was attacking your cells," he said.