On her computer screen he saw detailed notes for a study on an engineered virus designed to affect only humans and Alpha Centaurians.
Beware of attachments and emails - even if they appear innocent, they could contain a virus designed to steal your personal information.
A tailored artificial virus designed to interact with the genetic makeup of the host organism, he said.
It would continue to fail; the two men were infected with a tailored olfactory virus specifically designed to counter the albino's hormonal signals.
How do you know that the Androssi haven't planted a virus designed to simulate a Bynar's cerebral patterns?
He captured Rook and unleashed a technorganic virus designed to transform all of Earth into a new Cybertron.
Battat was apparently infected with a virus or chemical designed to drop him at a specific time.
Though there are rare viruses designed to target offline computers, we're talking about malicious software (malware) you can pick up from the Internet.
They began with a large collection of cells, introduced random mutations and then exposed the cells to a virus designed to mimic Ebola.
Be cautious of attachments as these could contain viruses designed to steal your personal information.