An AIDS-like virus could still lurk in the polio vaccine, even if the scientists do not detect it.
No one knows where the virus lurks between outbreaks.
We know that the virus is lurking in your own bed with your own man.
If this outbreak is stopped, scientists will still be left with a major question: where does the virus lurk between outbreaks?
The bacteria and viruses that cause harmful infections are lurking everywhere, from hospital rooms to mosquitoes to your neighbor's hand.
All of the major, public services, such as Compuserve or Genie, scan their software to make sure no viruses are lurking there.
After all, he added, many, if not most, viruses lurk latent in the body after an initial infection, including chicken pox and cytomegalovirus.
You should also update your antivirus program and run a check of your system to make sure no viruses are lurking on the computer.
If the virus is still lurking on the system, it will corrupt the backup disks immediately.
But the virus lurks in the body for life, apparently lying dormant in white blood cells and, possibly, in other tissues and organs.