With few exceptions, his films have been personal ones with which he feels a direct visceral connection.
Onstage, its character read simply as focused intensity and a kind of visceral connection with this music.
As he acts, there is a sudden visceral connection to the play and to those who are watching it.
Unlike some other commodities markets, there is still a visceral connection between coffee and the contracts that are traded.
Saban later said that he felt a visceral connection with the President.
She had a deep "visceral connection to the art," Professor Higonnet says.
This visceral connection with fans also points to the continuing appeal of the characters.
And without that visceral connection, "The Price" starts to seemed fueled by hot air.
Instead, I see it as a sincere attempt to create a more visceral connection between actors and audience.
"People would come, but there wasn't a visceral connection between the food and the music," he said.