Wildlife utilises the instrumental passages to generate an atmosphere to "create a sense of visceral emotion and releasing this tension in a well-timed burst".
Verdi's operas, by contrast, call for large voices and big, visceral emotion.
Now 39, he has evolved into a choreographer of eye-riveting formality who suggests, with often insidious obliqueness, the visceral emotions that humans often attempt to hide.
He captured the sort of visceral emotion associated with self-survival that was in the air as the issue began taking hold with the politicians, if not yet the constituents.
The Tachtigers insisted that style must match content, and that intimate and visceral emotions can only be expressed using an intimate and visceral writing style.
However, contempt may be experienced as a highly visceral emotion similar to disgust, or as cool disregard.
But one reason candidates rely so heavily on 30-second spots is that they appeal to visceral emotion, not reason.
The delicately constructed positions of the statewide officials are a reminder that the complications of closing a nuclear plant go far beyond fervent and visceral emotions.
Famous for singing with visceral emotion, she now slurred her way through distracted performances or just cancelled concerts altogether.
They promoted social programs by appealing to the same sort of visceral emotions aroused by the famous picture of John-John saluting the father he has lost.