The slow unveiling of these fundamental tones over the course of a work gives visceral rather than intellectual pleasure.
And such inescapable visceral pleasure (gooseflesh) as I watch/hear this other video!
Ingenious Pain is a book that gives visceral pleasure.
The visceral pleasure that comes from watching a game - the reason for all the financial doings - is often slighted.
Then will come the almost visceral pleasure of installing new software.
Spiritualized, which opened the show, preferred the visceral pleasures of music to the mysterious ones.
But the most visceral pleasure in these discs comes from the advertising.
They get a visceral pleasure out of making music.
He just couldn't get past the sheer visceral pleasure of being able to touch something again, to feel textures other than those of his own body.
It was a sight that had provoked a rush of visceral pleasure in Stephanie.