A visceral understanding of environmental issues may be the biggest selling point the new agencies have.
But more important, he said, he came away with a visceral understanding of what draws poor black men to the sport.
"He has an innate, visceral understanding of plants."
One of the many things I enjoy about people in the country is their love of animals, including dogs, and their visceral understanding that trouble will sometimes happen.
"But there is a visceral understanding that reporters have more culturally in common with this President than they do with the Republican nominee."
For an instant the viewer vaults beyond history and aesthetics to a visceral understanding of what it meant to be a prisoner of war.
Photojournalists gave us a visceral understanding of the link between foreign policy and the violence done to people's lives.
Suddenly I had a visceral understanding that she had been Leo's mistress.
The moment is one of empathy with the character and concepts of the building, an instant of visceral understanding.
She had worked with European police forces on several occasions, and had sometimes felt handicapped by her lack of visceral understanding of how their societies worked.